a tiny but valid `init` for containers


Using Tini has several benefits:

  • It protects you from software that accidentally creates zombie processes, which can (over time!) starve your entire system for PIDs (and make it unusable).
  • It ensures that the default signal handlers work for the software you run in your Docker image. For example, with Tini, SIGTERM properly terminates your process even if you didn’t explicitly install a signal handler for it.
  • It does so completely transparently! Docker images that work without Tini will work with Tini without any changes.

In Docker, you will want to use an entrypoint so you don’t have to remember to manually invoke Tini:

# Add Tini
ADD https://github.com/krallin/tini/releases/download/${TINI_VERSION}/tini /tini
RUN chmod +x /tini
ENTRYPOINT ["/tini", "--"]

# Run your program under Tini
CMD ["/your/program", "-and", "-its", "arguments"]
# or docker run your-image /your/program ...

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